Many women have told me how their husband/significant other takes 30+ minutes to go to the bathroom in the morning AND they take the newspaper in with them to read. What happens when that family has decided to go "paperless" and order the paper online, such as the Do they take the laptop in with them?
And are they staying on the newspaper page or are they secretly blog surfing? Do me a favor, if you are sitting on the pot right now and are reading this, please comment on this article right away! Too embarrassing? I get it. But I still want you to comment, just sign in as 'anonymous'.
And then I digress. What if somehow I discover through my Google analytics report that most of my subscribers and followers are men sitting on the potty ignoring the daily news to read my latest post? Do I alter my content to appease them? Do they like the funny posts to make them laugh and maybe "go" quicker at the potty? (If anything, I think they want to prolong this morning ritual, so maybe I need to write longer, thought-provoking stories).
Maybe I would need to add more titillating posts and by that I mean more tits. Example:
I'm afraid this is just going to be one of life's mysteries. Like why men take so long to go the bathroom in the morning in the first place.