Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Have Three Good Fingers

Ojau, O'll asmoee it. I don'e tyoeo very weill.,

Using my three good fingers and looking down at the keyboard often is the only way I can type. It all started in high school when I just barely passed the minimum of 24 words per minute with three mistakes or less (or something like that). Then I attended a college that had a career center where students got paid to type other students papers; the only catch was you had to turn it in 4 days prior to it's due date. It was at this point in my life that I learned not to procrastinate as it was well worth it to get my work done early to avoid typing a paper.

My first few jobs required very little typing on my part, so my exceptional typing skills actually worsened. Rather pitiful.

The amount of time I have spent on a computer has steadily increased over time with different career choices, but it was actually in the voluntary fundraising positions I have held that has made me wish I had more fingers to use for typing. Begging for money often starts with an email correspondence, followed by thank you notes and continued emails.

I may actually have to break down and learn basic typing skills at age 50 as my fingers can not keep up with my thoughts! And, I get headaches looking down at the keyboard and then back up at the screen all day. I am dizzy even before my first glass of wine.

I found an online typing tutorial and keyboard program at that's free for individuals. Doing everything at home avoids the embarrassment of other people seeing just how fast my three fingers can type.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Haha I wish that I had someone to type my papers for school. I think it's great that you're learning how to type!!! Maybe I will try that website... to freshen up my skills.