Wednesday, October 29, 2008

500 today, 1 Million tomorrow

I know that this is not such a big deal for most bloggers, but Google tells me I have now had 500 profile views come and spend a little of their precious time reading the posts on my site. I recognize that some of you receive that many views every hour of every day. But as a newbie, it's a mini-milestone to celebrate with a good bottle of wine. (I was going to do my special wine celebration after the first 1000 views, but I got too thirsty to wait).

There are debates all over the internet discussing whether traffic is important or not. One thing it does do is give you some form of validation about the interest in your brand of content.

I want to thank those people who are reading my posts and are digging it. I love getting comments. The feeling I get when I receive comments is similar to that of having an orgasm (okay, a, more like the second or third orgasm of the night). It's sooooooo good, baby! Prior to starting this blog, I had no idea I would feel this way and enjoy the interactive nature of this business.

And the bloggers I have "met" are really a very amazing, funny group of people. They brighten up my days especially when I am missing my children. Which brings me to a very interesting topic. The number of people around the age of 50 and are empty nesters like myself, are so often, people who have never blogged. I cannot tell you how many people I teach how to make a comment, how to subscribe to one of my pages and how to do Google Searches from my site. It's kind of like the blind leading the blind, but in the end, many friends are now becoming bloggers.

If you're one of these people who are just discovering the underworld of blogging, please let me know here. (Click on the word COMMENT, write a comment in the box, give me your name and a work website address, an email address or be anonymous if that suits your fancy). It's time to come out of the closet. You won't be sorry you did. And remember, practice makes perfect. So your first assignment is to come to my site everyday. Practice, practice, practice! And make this empty nest Mom a very ecstatic person.


dhash said...

Congratulations on the 500. You are only a short period away from 1,000,000, Yeah that is right 1 MILLION. It is hard to do the Dr Evil thing with text.

Have a great day and continue the work.

Julie!! said...

Wow Beth! 500 views and you've only had your site for not even a year! Keep up the good work!